Tuesday, April 30, 2013

4/30/13 amphibians video

In the video the main focus was on amphibians and how 9 out of ten amphibians were either toads or frogs. Although they are both very similar they are different. Toads have a very bumpy warty like skin and even though they say if you touch one you will get warts you actually can't. Frogs have very slimy smooth skin and they were known for fertility while toads use to be known as evil and if they caught you with a tips in your house you would be considered a witch long ago. Also a main difference is toads mainly just walk around and frogs actually jump quite high to get to where they want to be.
All amphibians are looked upon frequently by scientist to help determine the health of the environment. Amphibians live on both land and in water so each have to be a healthy place to live in if not, these creatures will die.for example many species of frogs have died because of the changes in the ozone layer , reasoning why each day amphibians populations are going down lower and lower. People are trashing our planet slowly and slowly, but still is leading to big consequences. We can help prevent this by not using up so much energy such as fossil fuels. If every single person becomes more aware of the severities they are causing and slowly start to change their bad habits. Then slowly we can as a nation start to rebuild our habitats and amphibians populations.

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