Friday, April 26, 2013

Nitrogen cycle

The nitrogen cycle is a important cycle, in our earths water that keeps underwater life alive. Nitrogen cycle is a way nitrogen is transferred in the ocean by precipitation, runoff or even by the atmosphere itself. Phytoplankton cannot utilize nitrogen by itself so it under goes a process called nitrogen fixation. The nitrogen needs to be utilized because the phytoplankton itself cannot take it only in certain forms in order for them to synthesize the nitrogen. This process happens when an organism die, and the bacteria break it down. In return the organisms let off nitrogen in the soil and clover takes it out to release to the atmosphere. This allows us the breathe and without it all organisms all land, including us would die. Nitrogen is an element vital to all life processes on Earth, and isnt just apart of life under the sea but to life on land too. Nitrogen comprises 78% of the atmosphere, and is embedded in every living tissue. It is a component of amino acids, proteins and nucleic acids, that helps man kind live day to day and with the exception of carbon, nitrogen is the most universal element of life. Put simply: Life could not exists without nitrogen. Aside from organic development, nitrogenous compounds are also required by some organisms for metabolic functions and respiration, including life under the sea.

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