Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5/21/13 invasive weeds

Alternanthera philaxeroides
Spreads from seeds or plant fragments
Can impede navigation and replace native vegetation
Can get rid of by biological, chemical or physical. Is a big problem but isn't as hard to get rid of as some others.
Green leafed, with a white blossom flower and a long thick stem.

Hydrilla verticuillata
Spreads through tubers, turions, stolons, and fragments not by its seed
Shades out desirable native vegetation, impedes navigation
Grows 1 inch a day so have to move fast so it doesn't grow fast.

Eurasian Watermilfoil
Myriophyllum spicatum
Spread by boats, trailers and birds
Can impede navigation and shade out native vegetation

Water Hyacinth
Eichhornia crassipes
Reproduces by daughter plants and forms thousands of seeds
Dense mats reduce oxygen levels and block waterways
Can spread very easily and needs to get rid of by taking action fast, best use by chemical

Water Lettuce
Pistia stratiotes
Reproduces through daughter plants
Forms large mats that can affect habitat and impede navigation

Giant Salvinia
Slavinia molesta
Forms dense mats, spreading rapidly by buds
Reduces oxygen exchange and negatively effects water quality and habitat
Once this plant is introduced to environment, its impossible to get rid of . You can still hold down its population with mechanical, chemical or physical methods.

Purple Loosestrife
Lythrum salicaria
Each plant can produce 2 – 3 million seeds, and seeds can spread the weeds
Often called the “Marsh Monster” because it can replace native vegetation and clogs irrigation canal

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

5/13/13 algae lab

Today in class we did a algae lab and had to find 7 different organisms we found in the water, and identify them. At first I thought this lab would be boring but when we were givin the water you actually saw tiny bugs floating all around In it. We used the peti fish to take sampled and we were so fascinated with what we saw. We found bugs that looked like shrimp, called runts and I even found a big one that was carrying eggs. We also found this nasty worm looking snake that tool forever to take a picture of because every time it was under the microscope it would move because it did not like the light. It even climbed off of the peti fish in no water and seemed to be fine, an it also had a cool snake-like design on its back. This bug was called a fire worm. We found a shell and also this Mosquito pupa, that was black and looked like a tail of a Scorpion. It took us the forever to identify this worm thing because under the microscope it was curled up and dieing. I thought this lab was really fascinating because whenever you swim in a lake, you k ow your swimming in dirty water but you have no idea how dirty the water actual is. It was very difficult to I'd types of Algae though because you can't see them in eye view and you really have to search for them. All in all this was my favorite lab because is was very interesting and weird.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

5/1/13 things I learned

Yesterday was the aquarium field trip, and even though I didn't go I still learned a lot from just looking up the animals for the research project. First thing I look up was the lion tamarin, and I first thought I was going to find a lion but it ended up being a type of monkey. It stood out because of it fur and bright orange mane. I thought the most interesting thing was that just like flamingos these monkeys color, was abstained by what it ate. A mineral called carotenids that is found in its food, also from sunlight exposure.
Another fish I found interesting was the unicorn fish, I looked up this fish just because of its name. And it actually does have a horn In the middle of its head that can reach up to 13 cm. they are usually longer on males, and are not used aggressively. Meaning if these fish are trying to protect themselves they actually use their tail, not the horn. The last animal I really found interesting was the Helmeted Curassow, which get there name from the long blue horn like thing on top of their head. These birds are known as "unicorn birds" and something very unique about them are their mating rituals. The male bird will find a female bird and will bring her food almost as an offering. If the female wants to mate with the bird than she will accept the food.
I found that each animal I researched for the assignment were each uniquely different and had several fun facts for each.

5/2/13 diatoms

A major type of algae from in earths water in diatoms, and although they can be helpful, they can also be very deadly. Navicula is a type of algae found in water, it is a type of diatom. It actually receives its name from the meaning of navicula "little boat" because of its boat like shape. Navicula plays an important role and helps produce over a fourth of earths oxygen in its biosphere.
Diatoms in aquariums cause buildup leading to the brownish tent in your tank. They are very hard to deal with if present In an aquarium because they will keep your tank from being clean. In any type of body of water such as lakes an oceans, an excessive amount of diatoms cause algae bloom. Algae bloom is caused by rapid increase in algae and leads to water discoloration and high density of pigmented cells. So mainly it leads to a yucky water lake or ocean and can kill life living in the body of water. Algae bloom contains a type of diatom called Cyanobacteria. It is a blue green algae that is very deadly to life in excessive amounts.
Diatoms form stalks which help them resist waves and to not be tossed around everywhere. They also have a raphe system which allows them to move over benthic sources. Diatoms shape also have helped them adapted to there environment, their shape allows them to attach onto other objects like rocks.