Thursday, May 2, 2013

5/2/13 diatoms

A major type of algae from in earths water in diatoms, and although they can be helpful, they can also be very deadly. Navicula is a type of algae found in water, it is a type of diatom. It actually receives its name from the meaning of navicula "little boat" because of its boat like shape. Navicula plays an important role and helps produce over a fourth of earths oxygen in its biosphere.
Diatoms in aquariums cause buildup leading to the brownish tent in your tank. They are very hard to deal with if present In an aquarium because they will keep your tank from being clean. In any type of body of water such as lakes an oceans, an excessive amount of diatoms cause algae bloom. Algae bloom is caused by rapid increase in algae and leads to water discoloration and high density of pigmented cells. So mainly it leads to a yucky water lake or ocean and can kill life living in the body of water. Algae bloom contains a type of diatom called Cyanobacteria. It is a blue green algae that is very deadly to life in excessive amounts.
Diatoms form stalks which help them resist waves and to not be tossed around everywhere. They also have a raphe system which allows them to move over benthic sources. Diatoms shape also have helped them adapted to there environment, their shape allows them to attach onto other objects like rocks.

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