Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5/21/13 invasive weeds

Alternanthera philaxeroides
Spreads from seeds or plant fragments
Can impede navigation and replace native vegetation
Can get rid of by biological, chemical or physical. Is a big problem but isn't as hard to get rid of as some others.
Green leafed, with a white blossom flower and a long thick stem.

Hydrilla verticuillata
Spreads through tubers, turions, stolons, and fragments not by its seed
Shades out desirable native vegetation, impedes navigation
Grows 1 inch a day so have to move fast so it doesn't grow fast.

Eurasian Watermilfoil
Myriophyllum spicatum
Spread by boats, trailers and birds
Can impede navigation and shade out native vegetation

Water Hyacinth
Eichhornia crassipes
Reproduces by daughter plants and forms thousands of seeds
Dense mats reduce oxygen levels and block waterways
Can spread very easily and needs to get rid of by taking action fast, best use by chemical

Water Lettuce
Pistia stratiotes
Reproduces through daughter plants
Forms large mats that can affect habitat and impede navigation

Giant Salvinia
Slavinia molesta
Forms dense mats, spreading rapidly by buds
Reduces oxygen exchange and negatively effects water quality and habitat
Once this plant is introduced to environment, its impossible to get rid of . You can still hold down its population with mechanical, chemical or physical methods.

Purple Loosestrife
Lythrum salicaria
Each plant can produce 2 – 3 million seeds, and seeds can spread the weeds
Often called the “Marsh Monster” because it can replace native vegetation and clogs irrigation canal

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